
Studio Rates

Hourly Rate – £35 including in-house engineer (3 hour minimum booking)

Please call us for a quote on a specific project, our team is here to help in any way.

Peak Studios is available for hire without an engineer at a cut back rate, however this is at the management’s discretion. Please contact us for this service.

Bookings & Payment

  • We accept cheques, bank transfers, and card payments through paypal (customer pays paypal fees)
  • A 50% deposit is required to secure a booking
  • No recorded audio files are permitted to leave the studio before the final balance has cleared
Media Rates

CD-R – Free
DVD-R – Free
1 TB External Hard Disk Drive – £70
Please leave enough time at the end of your sessions if you would like to make back-ups.


We are not legally or financially responsible for items brought into or left on the premises. It is recommended that clients obtain insurance to protect against possible damage expense or loss of article(s) of value left on the premises. This includes master tapes, hard drives, or any media left at Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) during sessions or before payment.

Digital Media Waiver

This information is intended to educate our clients about the nature of digital media and also to establish legal boundaries regarding their digital data.

Make multiple backups of your data. Unless there are at least two copies of the data somewhere it is not safe. Three copies is preferred. This is YOUR responsibility. Back-up copies of sessions in the digital realm should be made daily during the course of a session and taken home with the artist or producer at night. Post-session backups can be made onto internal hard drives of computers, onto external Firewire or USB hard drives, stored in an online data storage bank or burned to DVD-R or CD-R. There is no certainty that a CD-R or DVD-R will hold data for the long term or that a stored hard drive will play back after sitting for any amount of time so back up your data to newer media as time goes on. We highly recommend purchasing quality, name brand hard drives.

Legal Responsibilities

Although we do do all the following we are not legally liable for the below:

  • Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) is not legally responsible for storing your data or audio tapes during the course of a recording project
  • Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) is not legally responsible for storing your data or audio tapes once the project is completed
  • Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) is not legally responsible for data left on premises, either the dissemination of said data or loss thereof
  • Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) is not legally responsible for educating or instructing any client on the care and safety of digital data
  • Peak Studios (UK) / Peak Audio (USA) is not legally responsible for unrecoverable data, whether it be on analog tape, hard drive, CD-R or DVD-R media